Nowhere else is twitter as effective as it is in mainstream media. With access to millions of eyeballs, they’re able to not only rack up large followings on social media but instant feedback from them as well.
I’ve compiled a list of media personalities, reporters, journalist, and pundits that frequent msnbc, one of the major mainstream networks.
- Rula Jebreal, @RulaJebreal. Rula Jebreal is a TV host, author and political commentator. She is a foreign policy expert for Newsweek magazine & contributor for MSNBC.
- AlexWagner, @AlexWagner of @NowWithAlex fame. Host of @NowWithAlex on @MSNBC, M-F at 12PM ET. Lover of Tabasco and eight hours of sleep.
- David Corn, Journalist, Mother Jones/Author, “Showdown,” @DavidCornDC. DC editor of Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst & author of the new book, SHOWDOWN: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor & the Tea Party.
- Richard Wolffe, @richardwolffedc. Political Analyst/Author, “Revival, The Struggle for Survival,” Executive editor of
- Jonathan Capehart, Opinion Writer for the Washington Post and MSNBC Contributor, @CapehartJ.
- Krystal Ball, Co-Host of “The Cycle,”, @KrystalBall.
- Michael Steele, Former Chairman, RNC Former Lt. Gov. Maryland, @MICHAELSTEELE.
- Abby Huntsman, @HuntsmanAbby, Host, “Huffington Post Live,” msnbc contributor.
- Joan Walsh, @joanwalsh, Editor at large, “,” MSNBC political analyst, author of “What’s the Matter With White People?”
- Keith Boykin, @keithboykin, CNBC contributor. MSNBC commentator. BET columnist. NY Times bestselling author. Public Speaker. Clinton White House aide. Harvard Law graduate.
- E.J. Dionne, @EJDionne, “Washington Post” columnist, NPR and MSNBC, Brookings fellow, Georgetown prof, author “Our Divided Political Heart.”
- Karen Finney, @finneyk, political analyst & Host of Disrupt w/Karen Finney on MSNBC.
- Joy Ann Reid, @JoyAnnReid, Managing editor, @thegrio and MSNBC contributor, Miami Herald columnist (alternate Thursdays). Blogging at
- Steve Kornacki, @SteveKornacki, I host Up on MSNBC weekends from 8-10am and write about politics for Salon.
- Lawrence O’Donnell, @Lawrence, host of “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.”
- Ana Marie Cox, @anamariecox, MSNBC contributer.
- David Corn, @DavidCornDC, DC editor of Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst & author “SHOWDOWN: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor & the Tea Party.”
- Christopher Hayes, @chrislhayes, Host of All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, Weeknights at 8pm. Editor at Large at The Nation. Cubs fan.
- Joe Klein, @JoeKleinTIME, Columnist “Time Magazine.”
- Susan Del Percio, @DelPercioS, Republican Strategist, MSNBC Contributor.
- John Heilemann, @jheil, National Affairs Editor for New York Magazine, MSNBC political analyst, author “Double Down/Game Change.”
- Robert Reich, @RBReich, Berkeley professor, Berkeley professor, former US Secretary of Labor.
- Ari Melber, @AriMelber, Co-host of MSNBC’s The Cycle at 3pm. Attorney. Writer.
- Eugene Robinson, @Eugene_Robinson, “Washington Post” columnist, MSNBC analyst and author.
- Nia-Malika Henderson, @niawapo, National Political Reporter at The Washington Post.
- Chuck Todd, @chucktodd, Political junkie; @NBCNews reporter & analyst; @msnbc @dailyrundown host; Covering politics since ’92; And, yes, I tweet about sports too.
- Maya Wiley, @mayawiley, Founder & President Center for Social Inclusion. @theCSI. Views expressed are my own.
The list is in no particular order, just based on when I saw them. The list consists of media figures that either frequent the network enough to be considered a regular or have their own show.
I’ll keep the list updated as necessary, but I need help.
So did I miss anyone?
Also, which network should I tackle next?
Looking forward to your feedback.
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